During the move you will realize that you have a huge amount of clothes. Not to mention that if you are a female, you are bound to have more clothes than you actually need. No judgment there, just pointing out the facts. We are sure you like to have all your options open at all times, regardless of the season outside. That is not a great approach and your clothes might suffer due to it. After you say goodbye to Summit movers that helped you relocate, it is time to make some radical changes and start thinking about storing your clothes long term. Especially if your new place cannot take all the clothes you have.
Important steps toward storing your clothes long term
There are numerous small steps that make big ones, but we will focus only on those we feel are the most important. The following tips for long term clothes storing will be of great help we promise! You can always engage NYC movers and packers if you are too busy or have money to spare.
Selection process
Before you start with any of the preparations for the long term storage of clothes, you need to make several piles. We suggest three or four, depending on the fact if you are willing to bother selling some stuff. So the main piles are:
- keep
- donate/sell
- throw away
Take a closer look at your wardrobe filled with clothes and be honest with yourself. If there are things you haven’t worn for a year, chances are you will never wear them again. Do not keep things for better days when you will be 2 sizes thinner, make someone happy by donating them. We know people tend to cling to some old sweaters or sweatshirts for sentimental reasons. This is the perfect moment to stop and throw those things away. There are many ways to maximize the space in your new home. Make this selection process one of them.
Washing and drying the “keep” pile
After you throw certain things in the bin and put the clothes for donation in a box, you are left with the things from the “keep” pile. This pile will consist of all the things you are actually wearing throughout the seasons. You do not need to store all of these away, only those you will not be wearing for the next several months. Carefully wash and dry all the clothes you have selected for storing. You might not know this, but perfume and deodorant trails can only get worse during the storage period. This is why it is highly recommended you wash all the things, and this way prevent moths and some other problems.
Repairing and sewing damaged clothes before storing them long term
You might find this redundant, but trust us, your future self will be thankful. If you see missing buttons, a non-working zipper or a small hole that can be repaired, do it before you pack and store the clothes. One of the reasons for that is to prevent further damage and the other is pure efficiency. When you unpack your favorite skirt and decide to wear it on the same evening, you will be happy that you fixed that loose button or faulty zipper.
Plastic containers vs vacuum storage bags
Vacuum storage bags are not good for long term clothes storing. Clothes from natural fibers can get damaged and lose shape if kept too long in a vacuum bag. A cardboard box would be even worse than a vacuum bag as you can get mice or moths in your clothes. What we highly recommend is using plastic container boxes, with sealed lids. Using plastic boxes will keep your clothes dry and free from mold and pest. You can also put some moth repellent or a small soap for keeping the smell and freshness. There are ways to reuse your moving boxes, so make sure you keep them anyway.
Packing of the clothes
Once you complete all the preparation for the long term storage of clothes, it is time you finally pack them. Try not to use the method of just throwing things one on top of the other. You should fold clothes carefully, without previous ironing. There are many tips on the internet on how to fold the clothes in a way that much more can fit into a box or a suitcase. It is usually using the rolling technique and you will be surprised how much space will you get with using this method. You should put heavier items at the bottom and the lighter ones at the top. Make sure not to over-crowd the box you are placing the clothes in. If you do so, you might end up with some losing their shape by the time you unpack them in a few months.
Choose the right storage for storing your clothes long term
There are certain parameters you need to be aware of when it comes to conditions in the storage. The temperature should not go higher than 23 degrees Celsius, and there should be a relative humidity. Storage place needs to be dark as sunlight can make some of the colored pieces of clothes fade. Cellars or attics can sometimes have a purpose of storage. Having said that, you need to be aware of the dangers of keeping your clothes in places where there might be mice. Up in the attic, it can get too hot, and cellars can be very humid. If you want your clothes to look and smell the same way as when you packed them, it is best to rent a storage container.
Bonus tips
We honestly hope that this article was of great help to you and that you will follow these so-called rules. The majority of the above can relate to other things, not only clothes. If you need to store your shoes, jewelry or some other things, almost the same rules will apply. There might be no folding, but you would definitely need to clean everything before packing. Also, make sure to always put fragile and light things on the top or even in a separate box. This way you will prevent any damage and will be happy to find your things in the same condition as when you left them.