Relocations are not cheap. The price range can differ, granted, but anyway you turn it a move will affect your budget. Therefore it is no wonder that most people look for ways to save on a move. There are many ways to do this, before, during and after the move. However, the latter is usually the least known territory. So are we saying that you can get back some of the money spent on relocation? Absolutely! Just follow our advice! In a few moments, you will see just how simple it can be.
As all things move-related go, in order to get back some of the money spent on relocation, you will need to plan ahead. Even before the move begins. After all, there is a reason why moving professionals like long distance movers NYC might say that planning is the cornerstone of any successful move. Doing your research will be vital here. Knowing where you can claim for damages or sell your excess items is important. It will allow you to get back some of the money you’ve spent on the move faster. Also, researching will open up new ways you can return some of that hard-earned cash. To help you out, let’s see some of the more common ways to get back some of the money you will spend on the move.
Get your security deposit back when moving out
Alright, this point is almost a cheat. Getting a security deposit back is usually done just before you move. However, it can still help you mitigate the costs after the move. Getting the security deposit back is a bit tricky though. After all, most landlords usually want to cling to it. With that said, some may prefer you to leave the apartment in good enough shape. This will mean that they don’t have to worry about cleaning and repairs. It will, however, require some effort from you before the move. Make sure you clean the whole place inside and out, paint and patch up the walls if they have suffered any damage and replace any light bulbs. Also, make sure you save your floors during the relocation.

All of these are common reasons why landlords may deduct parts of your security deposit. Also, make sure you have paid the last month’s rent. Security deposits are usually set up to cover that very rent. However, if you’ve done this you can rest assured that the law is on your side in getting the security deposit back. Just note that the landlord has 21 days to return the deposit to you, so you may well be getting the money after the move is done.
Get a tax deduction as a means to get back some of the money spent on relocation
Another way to get back some money spent on relocation is to get a tax deduction. While this just one of the ways to deduct your moving expenses, a tax deduction will be the one that actually enables you to get some real money that you have spent on the move back, instead of just lowering your moving costs. However, getting a tax deduction on moving expenses will require you to deal with a bit of red tape. First of all, you should know that you can only get a tax deduction on moving expenses from a move that is related to getting a new job.

There are a few more conditions you will need to meet to be eligible to use IRS Form 3903: Moving expenses. The timing of your move will need to be closely tied to you starting work full-time. Also, the distance to your new place of work will need to be at least 50 miles greater than to your old job. That all being said, this way to get back some of the money spent on moving is usually overlooked by people eligible to use it. So, get familiar with the bureaucratic requirements and claim the deduction if possible.
Selling packing supplies
Something that a moving company might tell you is that a good way to get back some of the money spent on the move is selling some of the packing supplies. You would be surprised by how much money can be earned here. Especially if your move involved special equipment such as wooden crates for moving art. Make sure you are careful with unpacking your items after the move. After all, the better the condition of the packing supplies, the easier they will be to sell. But who would by my second-hand packing supplies, you might wonder. Actually a lot of different people. Granted, the moving companies would not be interested. However, people looking to move might be more than happy to get your used boxes, plastic wrap, etc. if it would help them save on their move.
Decluttering is ideally done before the move. The idea here is that you reduce your move expenses by moving with fewer items. However, not everyone will have time to declutter before the move. After all, it does involve a fair bit of time spent on sorting out through your belongings. If you fall in the latter category, you can still get back some of the money spent on relocating from decluttering. Right after the move is done and you are unpacking, start sorting items in a keep pile and a sell/give away pile. Anything from old clothes, appliances or books to furniture can go. When you are done, put the items up for sale. That way you will optimize the rooms in your new home and get some money back. Amazing, right?

Time to get back some of the money spent on relocation
Whether you are preparing for a move or have just completed one, it is time to plan out how best to get back some of the money spent on relocation. This article has given you the ideas and we know you have the capability, so get on with it. Soon, you will be counting the money you once thought was lost during the move and it will feel great!